Thursday, 25 January 2007

Special Training in West Malaysia and Abroad

Mr. Ajet is the latest contributor to this beritakini.weblog. Cheers !

We heard that Mr. Ajet went for secret training under Petronas Gurun Kedah's under Dr.Rauf's assignment. It may be combat and intelligence work that may applicable during telematches and treasurehunt. It seems he is also be under special survillence training in Kuala Lumpur. Survillence what? who and when? remain a question.

Other Members has also been acquiring technical skills and training inclusive of professional consultants to ensure victory. Rumours has been spreading that members is flying to Houston and Los Angeles for meeting and preparation of the Family Carnival. The training will be held in various areas such as Las Vegas and San Francisco.

Members who went abroad for training the special training are from Sunflower, Rose and Bunga Raya ! Quite an effort.

What about rafflesia? another secret which is yet to be discovered? Heard Chairman of Rafflesia may offer Hornbill as part of the strategy but again for what?

Shall discover later.....................!

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